Epidemiology of dental health: A guidance to manage dental problems in novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic outbreak in India

Authors : Rahul Shrivastava, Nivedita Mishra, Rohit Shrivastava, Ritu Sharma

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijohd.2020.027

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 122-125

COVID-19 is a virus belonging to the family of coronaviridae comprising large, single, plus-stranded RNA
as their genome. Two out of four genera of coronavirus, a-CoV and ß-CoV cause infection and directly
affects respiratory tract in humans. During the global pandemic situation, dental care consultation and
management of oral diseases is the biggest challenge for the dentist to treat their patient because of the
high chances of transmission of this disease. This article aims to provide basic guidelines for practising
during COVID-19 in the dental care settings with preventive and control measures approved by the health
department. Furthermore, this also encourages new researchers to explore more relation between COVID-
19 and oral health by incorporating technologies practising teledentistry.

Keywords: COVID-19, Oral health, Pandemic, Dental emergencies, SARS-CoV.

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