Management and preservation techniques of non book materials in selected archival centres in Ernakulam district of Kerala

Authors : Manzoor Babu V, Hasbi Alikunju

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijlsit.2020.001

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 1-7

In this article an attempt has been made by the investigators to study the preservation techniques employed by archival centres in management of archival documents in Ernakulam District. A combination of various methods Questionnaire, Interview and observation are employed for conducting the study. Selected archival centres are found practising various techniques for document management like classification, cataloguing, and automation etc. Most of the archival centres are following basic preservation techniques like lamination, acidification and fumigation etc. for preservation of documents.

Keywords: Libraries, Archives, Preservation, Non book materials, Archives management.

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