User satisfaction in educational institutions libraries: A case study of advanced institute of education

Authors : Subhash Chand

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijlsit.2020.002

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 8-11

Libraries and their services worldwide have undergone a signification change due to the application of Information Technology in all types of library functions like automated catalogue, online retrieval of information, access of online and off line databases etc. Today we are living in an age of information. Survival is not so much a matter of doing as of knowing. Large amount of information is being generated even moment. Information is a vital and necessary product of modern society and is most basic need to teachers, students, research scholars, scientists, thinkers and academicians as well as public to update their knowledge. The library is a wide resource to provide information to all kind of users. The present study suggested the use and satisfaction level of the users of Advanced Institute of Education Aurangabad, Palwal, Haryana (India).

Keywords: AIE, E-resources, E – journals, SBBET, ICT.

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