The contraceptive behaviour of ever married women in tribal area of Ahmednagar district, Maharashtra

Authors : Srestha Pandey, Sunil Thitame

DOI : 10.18231/j.jchm.2020.010

Volume : 7

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 51-53

Introduction: The contraceptive behaviour of the population in reproductive age group has got an
important role to play in deciding the population size of a particular country. There are many factors
which decides the contraceptive behaviour of males and females. The scheduled tribes are known to be
traditionally less educated and away from the modern world. Hence, in present study an attempt was
made to study the contraceptive behaviour of tribal women in Akole block of Ahmednagar district of
Methodology: Descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in Tribal area of Akole taluka in
Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra among Ever married women (EMW). Interview of 379 EMW was
carried out with selection as per systematic random sampling method.
Results and Discussion: Total 392 EMW with mean age and age at marriage of the study population
was 26.65+5.1 and 17.97+1.08 respectively were interviewed. 85.50% of married women had knowledge
about one or other methods of family planning. Contraception use among EMW was 69.6% however it
was only 41.40% in men. The contraceptive morbidity encountered by the participants was quite low i.e.
11.3%. Various barriers were also reported for using contraception.
Conclusion: The knowledge of contraception among tribal women was 85.5% however prevalence was
only 69.3%. The contraception use by male was low showing their poor involvement in family planning.

Keywords: Contraceptive behaviour, Married women, Tribal population.

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