Identification of unknown dye in disguise liquor- A case study

Authors : Vinod Dhingra, Vinod Dhingra

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijfmts.2020.018

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 77-79

Illegal liquor is locally brewed alcohol at illicit spots, that is sold at cheap prices at license-less shops. The evading of tax is responsible for its cheap price which further accounts for its widespread consumption in rural areas and by the wokring class in urban areas. As a matter of fact, two-thirds of the alcohol consumed in the country is illegal hooch made in remote villages or smuggled liquor, this popularity among the working class is why illegal liquor is a lucrative business and is practiced through out country.
The present communication deals with detection and identification of Triaryl methane group dye identified in the illicit liquor sample by physical, chemical, thin layer chromatographic and instrumental method of analysis like U.V. visible spectra, FTIR spectra.

Keywords: Dye, Denaturants and Denaturants.

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