An unusual foreign body in the trachea: A broken PVC tracheostomy tube

Authors : Amarjeet Kumar, Amarjeet Kumar, Manish Gupta, Manish Gupta, Kiran J Thomas, Kiran J Thomas, Akanksha Gupta, Akanksha Gupta

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijoas.2022.023

Volume : 5

Issue : 3

Year : 2022

Page No : 91-93

In patients with upper airway obstruction and on long-term ventilatory support, tracheostomy is often needed. One rare complication of the same is fracture and aspiration of distal portion into the lower airway, mainly seen in metallic tubes. We report a very rare case, where aspiration of fractured PVC tracheostomy tube occurred, which was successfully removed by rigid bronchoscopy. The etiology and prevention measures are also being reviewed.

Keywords: Tracheostomy tube, Airway, Foreign body, Bronchoscopy, Equipment failure, Respiratory aspiration

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