A study of visco assisted mechanical pupil stretching for nucleus prolapse in cases of non or mid dilating pupil during small incision cataract surgery

Authors : Sandhya Ramachandra, Smitha Shyam Kumar

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijooo.2020.048

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2020

Page No : 212-215

Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of visco assisted mechanical pupil stretching for nucleus prolapse in cases of non or mid dilating pupil during small incision cataract surgery in a medical teaching tertiary hospital.
Materials and Methods: This prospective study of 30 patients with mid/non dilating pupil after thorough pre operative evaluation underwent cataract surgery using the technique of visco assisted mechanical pupil stretching.
Results: 61-70 years was the major presenting age group; majority of them were females. 60% of patients had senile immature cataract. 46.6% of eyes showed poor pharmacological mydriasis with pupil size ranging between 3-4mm. In 43% pupillary diameter improved 4.6-5mm following 6 point stretch pupilloplasty and 76.6% had pupil dimension of 4.1-5mm post visco elastic stretching. Sphincterotomies were performed in 16.6% of subjects.
Conclusion: A substantial increase in size of pupillary aperture was seen following surgical strategy of stretch pupilloplasty and visco elastic stretching with minimal intraoperative complications. This technique is hence an alternative which can be aptly followed as a cost cutting measure in low socio economic scenarios.

Keywords: Non/mid dilating pupil, Visco assisted, Pupil stretching, SICS.

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