Knowledge awareness and practices of married women towards emergency contraceptives methods

Authors : Uday Mohanlal Patel, Uday Mohanlal Patel

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2020.076

Volume : 7

Issue : 3

Year : 2020

Page No : 352-355

Background and Aim: Emergency contraception (EC) is usage of contraceptive method after an
unprotected sexual intercourse. It provides a window of opportunity for females for prevention of an
unplanned pregnancy. In India, emergency contraceptive usage continues to be very poor. Thus, this study
was planned to analyse the knowledge, awareness, and practices of married women in Haryana towards EC
Materials and Methods: This observational study was undertaken in a single centre on a section of rural
and urban population in Haryana. A total of 500 women of reproductive age group were included in the
study. A series of questions were asked in a face to face interview from a pre-structured questionnaire in
a non-formal yet confidential environment. The data were collected, analysed, and compared with data
available in literature.
Results: In our study, more than 80% women have heard of EC. Of those who were aware, majority knew
about EC pills. IUD as EC was known to a very few women. Television was the most common source of
information followed by family and friends. Very few women knew the correct time for taking the EC pills.
Conclusion: Our study affirms a poor knowledge about use of emergency contraception among women in
Haryana. Imparting knowledge through television, social media and incorporating and highlighting EC use
in sex education programs can greatly help to increase the awareness and knowledge of correct EC use.

Keywords: Awareness, Emergency contraceptives (EC), Methods, Women.

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