Significance of age at first pregnancy and its effect on maternal and perinatal outcome

Authors : Rathnamma P, Deepika N

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2020.087

Volume : 7

Issue : 3

Year : 2020

Page No : 415-420

Objective: To determine the existence of associations between significance of age at first pregnancy and
its effect on maternal and perinatal outcome.
Materials and Methods: A prospective study conducted in the department of OBG on all 2100 primi
gravida women admitted in labour ward and they were divided into three groups: adolescent (<19> elderly group (> 30years) and control group (20-29 years). The adolescent and elderly group were compared
with the control group for the maternal and perinatal outcomes.
Results: Rate of abortions, gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, hypothyroidism and still birth
were more common in elderly group, preterm deliveries, IUGR, foetal malpresentations, IUD and neonatal
death were common in adolescent group as compared to control group. There was statistical significant
difference regarding APGAR scores and admission to neonatal intensive care unit.
Conclusion: Maternal age has significant role in the pregnancy outcome. Adolescent and elderly maternal
age is a risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcomes. Early booking, close supervision in the antenatal
and intrapartum period, appropriately timed obstetric intervention may contribute to good maternal and
perinatal outcome.

Keywords: Maternal age, Primigravida, Pregnancy outcomes, Adolescent.

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