Successful spontaneous fraternal quadruplet delivery rare case report

Authors : Ishan P Shah, Zakir Hussain Dadu, Kalgi Shah

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2020.091

Volume : 7

Issue : 3

Year : 2020

Page No : 433-435

Quadruplets are set of four off springs born at one birth. Quadruplets occurring more frequently as assisted
reproduction technique but spontaneous conception and delivery of 4 male live fetuses are something rare
case to be reported.
Improved MCH care in high risk obstetric cases with team work and Obstetric ICU/HDU and NICU.
We report a case of 28 year old multiparous woman presented at around 10 week of amenorrhea
with positive pregnancy test. After evaluation she was found to carry 4 live fetuses. She was managed
conservatively till 34 week of gestation with regular ANC monitoring. Caesarean section was performed
when labour pain was started for obstetrical complications and successful delivery of 4 healthy live male
children of 1.75, 1.5, 1.5, 1.2 kg. Entire delivery was possible in Obstetric HDU set up and level 3 NICU
This case is unique due to SPONTANEOUS conception of quadruplet pregnancy with regular ANC
checkups and delivery at centre with obstetric ICU back up & team work. We followed this case for entire
post natal period and infant age of all Children.

Keywords: Multiple gestation, Quadruplets, Dizygotic.

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