Comparison of change of corneal astigmatism in pre and post operated pterygium excision

Authors : Ram Kumar, Harish Kumar

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijceo.2020.071

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2020

Page No : 329-332

Background: Pterygium is a wing shaped fibrovascular growth of subconjunctival tissue encroaching upon
cornea within interpalpebral fissure area causing significant astigmatism. Surgery for excision of pterygium
leads to decrease in astigmatism which significantly improves vision.
Aim: Comparison of change of corneal astigmatism in pre and post operative ptrygium excision and visual
Materials and Methods: The study was carried out on 40 eyes of 40 patients who had primary pterygium,
admitted in department of ophthalmology B R D Medical college Gorakhpur; divided in two groups;
underwent pterygium excision during period of December 2018 to November 2019. All patients underwent
pre operative assessment for visual acuity, refraction, slit lamp examination, keratometry.
Results: It was found that corneal astigmatism decreased progressively in both group after day 1, week 1,
week 2, week 4 and after 12 week post operatively.
During follow up at 12 weeks in both groups best corrected visual acuity was found improved and also
corneal astigmatism decreased in both group.
Conclusion: Pterygium induces significant corneal astigmatism. Surgery of pterygium leads to significant
decrease in corneal astigmatism and increased visual acuity.

Keywords: Astigmatism, Amniotic membrane, Autograft, Pterygium excision, Vision, Keratometry.

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