Comparison of outcome between single site versus double site injection of peribulbar anaesthesia for cataract surgery

Authors : Anneshi R C, K Kanthamani, Mohan Kumar H, Sumanth I M, Manu Saini

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijceo.2020.076

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2020

Page No : 352-359

Purpose: To compare the efficacy and safety of single injection technique of Peribulbar anaesthesia with
that of double site injection technique for cataract extraction in terms akinesia, analgesia, onset and duration
of the action of analgesia and incidence of complications.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study involving 342 eyes which were randomised into two
groups of 171 group A (single site injection peribulbar anaesthesia) and group B (double site injection
peribulbar anaesthesia) by simple randomization. All the patients underwent similar protocol for standard
cataract evaluation. Peribulbar anaesthesia was given in both the group before surgery and effect of
anaesthesia were analysed in terms of analgesia and akinesia.
Results: Analgesia (P = 0.074) and akinesia (P = 0.054) were good in both the group but the results were
not statistically significant between the 2 groups. At the end of 15 minutes all the patients attained akinesia
and analgesia in both the (P= 0.053). Complications were more in group B than in group A.
Conclusion: Single site injection of peribulbar anaesthesia is less painful during administration compared
to double site peribulbar anaesthesia. Complications are more in double site injection comparatively.

Keywords: Akinesia, Analgesia, Globe perforation, Optic nerve injury, Peribulbar anaesthesia, Retro-bulbar haemorrhage,
Sub-conjunctival haemorrhage.

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