Acne in Indian population: An epidemiological study evaluating multiple factors

Authors : Leelavathy Budamakuntla, Leelavathy Budamakuntla, Shrichand Parasramani, Shrichand Parasramani, Dhiraj Dhoot, Dhiraj Dhoot, Gaurav Deshmukh, Gaurav Deshmukh, Hanmant Barkate, Hanmant Barkate

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijced.2020.048

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2020

Page No : 237-242

Acne is one of the most common skin diseases seen in clinical practice and is caused by multiple factors. Epidemiological data on acne are limited from developing countries. Using a questionnaire survey, the epidemiological data of acne were evaluated with a view to establishing possible contributing etiological factors in dermatology practice in India. Out of 6409 patients included in the study 45% were male and 55% were female. The mean age of the patients was 24.64 years. Smoking habit was reported in 14% of the patients while high glycemic diet (HGD) was seen in half of the cases. Of respondents, 41% knew that acne was due to increased sebum production and blockade of pilosebaceous units whereas 35% had due to excessive cosmetic use. Grade II acne was predominant (47%) and majority of the patients had inflammatory papular acne (51%). The presence of  hyperpigmentation (35%) and scarring (29%) was considered to be a reflection of the severity of the acne. Moisturizers and cleansers were one of the most common supportive measure of acne management. Cleansers were prescribed for 53% of the patients whereas 43% of the patients were prescribed moisturizers. Amongst topical treatment, adapalene and BPO combination (34%) was the most commonly prescribed combination followed by adapalene & clindamycin combination (29%). Monotherapy was not commonly prescribed. Most of the patients were managed with combination therapy. Isotretinoin was most commonly prescribed medication in all grades of acne comprising of 40% of the patients. This study presents the demographic features and clinical characteristics of acne in dermatology office practice in India.

Keywords: Acne, Epidemiology, India.

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