Bernotti V-Y plasty techniq ue for root coverage procedure

Authors : Sindhu R Ghorpade, Rajaram Vijayalakshmi, Jaideep Mahendra, Burnice Nalina Kumari

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpi.2020.029

Volume : 5

Issue : 3

Year : 2020

Page No : 129-132

Gingival recession is the exposure of the root surface resulting from migration of the gingival margin apical to the cementoenamel junction (CEJ). It may be localized or generalized and can be associated with one or more tooth surfaces. Even though gingival recession may occur without any symptoms it can give rise to pain from exposed dentin, patient concern about loss of the tooth, poor esthetics or root caries. The denuded root surfaces cause deterioration in the esthetic appearance, dentin hypersensitivity, and inability to perform proper oral hygiene procedures. The Bernotti V-Y flap is a coronally advanced flap technique with a “VY”
flap design, which consist of a microsurgery technique with or without connective tissue graft, that will improve mucosal biotype and keratinized band in a predictable way for isolated mucosal recession, dehiscence and translucent tissue at teeth or implant sites. It is a conservative flap design, inspired by Semilunar and Modified Semilunar Tarnow’s technique, to minimize interproximal crestal bone loss and possible loss of papillae around teeth or implants, marginal mucosal position is stabilized avoiding adverse
aesthetic outcomes. Miller’s Class I and II recession defects with a minimum height of (two) 2 mm are suitable to be selected to perform the Bernotti V-Y flap. The Bernotti V-Y flap consist of a pedicle flap, making a ¨V ¨incision apically to the recession defect and the flap is coronally advanced. Stability and aesthetic outcomes are achieved with the Bernotti V-Y flap.

Keywords: Bernotti VY, Gingival recession, Root coverage.

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