Statistical analysis of MER data of STN Neurons with DBS in Parkinson‘s movement disorders

Authors : Venkateshwarla Rama Raju, Venkateshwarla Rama Raju

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijn.2020.058

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2020

Page No : 317-326

The goal of this study is to acquire and analyze LFP recordings within the map of Parkinson‘s environment of clinical-applications for significant-prognostics and this goal is achieved with frequency-analysis ranging the band from 1Hertz-250Hertz and coherence band between 0 and 1 level followed by entropy. The results of the study suggest that the spatial reach of the LFP can extend quite a few millimeters. The study presents a broad research into the existing research which gives insights into the origin of LFP-signals and discovers the variables that need to be considered when analyzing LFP signals in clinical settings principally DBSapplications. Dependable correlations between motoric-features and the mechanisms of the LFP power
spectra (the power spectral density-PSD) imply that LFPs can serve as bio markers, i.e., bio signals for Parkinson‘s and movement-disorders (MDs). Specifically, the cardinal motoric feature has been shown to correlate by tremor and b -oscillations and cohered amid 8 Hertz to 28 Hertz. Thus, the local field-potential connotations are for improved microelectrode targeting and for the development of a multichannel/ real time and thus online, personalized adaptive/closed-loop-systems. Variables like geometry of the electrode recording arrangement can have a significant effect on LFP amplitude, pulse width, stimulus intensity and spatial reach, whilst the effects of other variables, like impedance of electrode are frequently frivolous. Entropy was measured in all 12 patients (right hemisphere brain with DBS-ON = 1.4 ± 0.1; DBS-OFF: 1.4 ± 1.9; and left hemisphere brain ON: 1.5 ± 0.1 and OFF: 2.3 ± 1.2 for tremor complexity while root mean square (RMS) computed for amplitude. For the data consistency, coherence was applied to see the variation (inconsistency) and irrationality (if any) which was a normalized measure of linear association in frequency domain where in the bounded-measure was between 0 and 1. If it is ? 0.75 but ? 1 (i.e., ? 0.75 ? 1) there
is linear association and hence coherent, else no coherence. We obtained coherence-diagnostic-value ? 0.75.

Keywords: Variance, Root Mean Square (RMS), Implanted Pulse Generator (IPG), Local Field Potentials (LFPs), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), Microelectrode Recording (MER), Parkinson‘s disease (PD), Power Spectral Density (PSD), Root Mean Square (RMS), Stimulus (or Stimulation) Paradigm, (or Model) (SP), Standard Deviation (SD), SubthalamicNucleus (STN), 
Unified Parkinson‘s Disease Rating, Scale (UPDRS).

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