COVID-19 and facility preparedness in the field of prosthodontics

Authors : Pratibha Sharma, Rohi Kanwar, Archana Nagpal, Geetanjali Singh, Vidhushi Jindal

DOI : 10.18231/j.aprd.2020.039

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2020

Page No : 184-188

Dental clinics are a hotspot for nosocomial transmission of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Prosthodontics stands at an entangled position in dentistry because of service to elderly patients, procedures such as tooth preparation that leads to aerosol generation, involvement of labs for dentures, crown fabrication. Moreover most of treatments requiring multiple sittings. These procedures range from low to very high risk of COVID-19. This review article aims to provide brief information pertaining to possible source of spread of COVID-19 in Prosthodontics setup regarding patient management and clinical strategies Thus, the aim of this article is to present a brief overview of the history, symptoms, and routes of transmission of COVID-19 and specific recommendations for prosthodontic practice.

Keywords: COVID19, Coronavirous, Aerosol generation, Tooth preparation, Symptoms.


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