An observational study to analyze the association of Acne Vulgaris, Seborrhea and Alcohol consumption in clinically diagnosed cases of Dyssebacia

Authors : Sukanya G, Sukanya G, Ojas Dipak Kulkarni, Ojas Dipak Kulkarni, N Ashok Kumar, N Ashok Kumar, D Manoharan, D Manoharan, K Manoharan, K Manoharan

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijced.2020.069

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2020

Page No : 345-348

Background: ‘Dyssebacia’ also termed as ‘Seborrhea Spinulosa’, is a condition presenting with numerous follicular papules, usually centered around the nasolabial area, consisting of plugs of inspissated sebum. This condition is seen frequently in cases of Pellagra, and has been quoted to be the 5th D of Pellagra. Dyssebacia is seen rampantly among cases of acne vulgaris and seborrheic dermatitis. As alcoholism leads to a state of vitamin deficiency and because of its close association with Pellagra, it also has been considered as an independant co-factor for the causation. This study thereby aims at analysing the association of acne vulgaris, seborrhea and alcohol consumption in cases clinically diagnosed as Dyssebacia.
Materials and Methods: We have included 25 cases of Dyssebacia in this study. After enrollment, a thorough history was taken followed by a dermatological examination with a keen interest to note the presence of, or a past history of acne vulgaris and seborrheic dermatitis. A history regarding alcohol consumption was also sought for.
Results: Of the 25 cases of Dyssebacia, which included 16 males (64%) and 9 females (36%), 18 cases (72%) had a history of Acne vulgaris and Seborrhea both. Majority of cases (17 of 25; 68%) were in the age-group of 18-35 years. History of alcohol consumption was obtained from 7 males (28%). A male with Pellagra also reported to our department having marked dyssebacia, photosensitive dermatitis, hyperpigmentation along the dorsal aspects of hands and feet etc.
Conclusion: In conclusion, it was found in our study that Acne vulgaris and Seborrheic dermatitis indeed have a strong association with Dyssebacia. Alcohol consumption does not seem add risk to the causation, except in case of chronicity.

Keywords: Acne vulgaris, Dyssebacia, Pellagra, Seborrhea Spinulosa, Seborrheic dermatitis.

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