Epidemiological profile of fatal vehicular accidents in rural region of Maharashtra

Authors : Raut S. M, Raut S. M, Haridas S.V, Haridas S.V

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijfmts.2020.030

Volume : 5

Issue : 4

Year : 2020

Page No : 130-134

Accident is “An unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.” With the rise in global urbanization and motorization, vehicular accidents induced injuries have become major worldwide public health problems. The Prospective study of fatal vehicular accidents was carried out at Rural Medical College and Hospital in Maharashtra during the period of May 2016 to April 2020. Total 216 cases were studied. Age group 51-60 years (20.4%) was most commonly affected. Males were more affected than females with male: female ratio of 8.8:1. Maximum deaths were  found in illiterate (30.6%) and were laborers and students by occupation. Maximum (32.4%) mishaps occurred on national highways. Majority (38%) of the fatal vehicular accidents occurred in evening hours. Most common category of victim was Motor Cycle Rider (35.2%), followed by pedestrians (30.6%). Keeping in view the results of this study, multi factorial approach is needed to prevent vehicular accidents and to minimize their consequences.

Keywords: fatal vehicular accidents rural region epidemiology.

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