Estimation of stature from hand length of an individual in central India population

Authors : Ranjan Parashar, Swapnil Paliwa, Ashok Kumar Jain

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijfmts.2020.031

Volume : 5

Issue : 4

Year : 2020

Page No : 135-137

Anthropometry is a important parameter in medico- legal investigation, in which stature has vital importance in identification of individual. Estimation of stature is important when fragments or remnants or parts of body are found on crime scene. So, the aim of this study is to develop a regression formula to indicate relation between height and hand length of individuals of both sexes. The study was conducted on 159 healthy individuals (75 males and 84 females). Prior permissions were taken from Institutional
ethics Committee and written informed consent from all subjects were taken prior to data collection. Linear regression equation was derived using SPSS 23 software. There was a linear correlation between height and hand length. Pearson correlation coefficient found significant at P value – 0.01 (P value <0> The study will significant to medico-legal experts in estimating stature from remnants of upper limb.

Keywords: Anthropometry estimation of stature height hand length establishment of identity.

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