A Comparative study of post-operative results with different grades of diabetic retinopathy after phacoemulsification and small incision cataract surgery (SICS) [with various types of IOLs]

Authors : Aparajita Chaudhary, Aparajita Chaudhary, Smriti Kumari, Smriti Kumari

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijooo.2020.053

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2020

Page No : 232-236

Purpose: The objective of this study is to look for post-operative complications after cataract surgery in patients with Diabetic Retinopathy.
Materials and Methods: Out of sixty patients, we took fifteen patients each from BDR, Pre-PDR, PDR and DR with maculopathy respectively and patients underwent SICS and phacoemulsification with implantation of IOLs. We looked for post-operative inflammation (aqueous flare, cells, pigment deposition on optic of IOL), incidence of posterior capsular opacification, progression of underlying diabetic retinopathy, incidence of cystoid macular edema and visual outcome.
Result: We observed that visual acuity after cataract surgery improves to >6/12 in 22%. No patient with BDR grade developed post-0perative uveitis. Maximum inflammation post-operatively was with PDR and pre-PDR was 26%. Cystoid macular edema developed in 26 (55%) patients.
Conclusion: Visual outcome improves in majority of eyes and was not dependent upon the surgical technique employed or the type of IOL implanted. Post- operative uveitis was maximum with PDR. Majority of patients with PDR developed cystoid macular edema. Progression of retinopathy and maculopathy represented the natural history of disease not upon the surgical technique employed.

Keywords: Diabetic Retinopathy, Phacoemulsification.

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