An eight-year-old boy with large complex odontoma in maxillary anterior area associated with unerupted tooth

Authors : Shoborose Tantray, Shoborose Tantray, Andleeb Manhas, Andleeb Manhas, Keerti Chauhan, Keerti Chauhan

DOI : 10.18231/j.jooo.2021.014

Volume : 7

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 74-77

Odontomas are the most common odontogenic benign tumors composed of dental tissue. The term odontoma was first coined by Broca (1866); he defined odontoma as a tumor formed by an overgrowth of complete dental tissues. They can be thought of as “tooth hamartomas” with the lesion consisting of various tooth components. Histologically Odontomas are divided into complex and compound odontomas. In this paper we are describing the case of a complex odontoma in an eight -year-old boy diagnosed
due to the retention of the permanent left maxillary central and lateral incisor. A surgical excision was performed without distressing the unerupted central and lateral incisor. The results obtained indicate that early diagnosis of odontomas enables adoption of less complex treatment, a better prognosis, and displacement or devitalisation of adjacent tooth.

Keywords: Odontomas, Hamartoma, Denticles, Odontogenic tumour.

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