A comparative study of efficacy of DIPSI and O’Sullivan’s method of screening for GDM in a high risk tertiary referral hospital

Authors : Rashmi K, Tejaswini D, Radhika , Anitha G S, Sukanya S

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2021.021

Volume : 8

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 103-106

Introduction: There is an increasing trend of making Diabetes one of the most common noncommunicable diseases globally. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is defined as “carbohydrate intolerance variable severity that is first diagnosed during present pregnancy, regardless of the need for
insulin or persistence of the diabetic state after delivery”. Diabetes Mellitus is the most common disorder of pregnancy, although the prevalence is usually reported as 2 to 5% of pregnant women, it can be as high as 14% in high risk groups.
Aims and Objective: To note the Foetal Outcome of pregnancy with impaired and abnormal glucose tolerance detected with DIPSI.
Materials and Methods: Total of 200 patients was included in the study from Vanivilas hospital for 1 year. A detailed history from antenatal patients was taken to reveal all risk factors. The procedure of the study was explained and required consent for the study was taken. Examination of the patients was done and all relevant data was obtained. Fasting blood glucose was taken of all antenatal patients at their first visit. Pregnant women at 24-28 weeks were tested with 50g oral glucose load or 75g oral glucose load, at random. Patients were give 50g glucose irrespective of the meal and 1 hour venous blood sample was collected. Patients of 75 g of oral glucose were asked to come in fasting state, 75g of glucose was given,
and following which 2 hour venous sample was collected. Blood glucose was tested by GOD-POD method. Diagnosis of GDM was made when the plasma glucose of >140mg/dL and impaired glucose tolerance diagnosis was made when plasma glucose was between 120-140mg/dl.
Conclusion: High prevalence rate of GDM was obtained in our study, GDM has adverse maternal and fetal outcome. GDM when identification early and treatment initiated for mothers, maternal and fetal complications can be reduced. In conclusion, intensive care of GDM mothers can help primary prevention of obesity, impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes in the offspring.

Keywords: Gestational diabetes mellitus, DIPSI, Blood glucose.

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