Sad fetus syndrome: A case report

Authors : Sarasjothi M, Anita Pawar, Mangala Shinde

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2021.024

Volume : 8

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 113-116

We are reporting a rare case of partial molar pregnancy coexisting with live fetus termed as sad fetus syndrome. Our case was a 20 years old primi with 18 weeks of gestational age showing partial molar pregnancy coexisting with anomalous fetus with low lying placenta presented with complaints of abdominal pain and per vaginal bleeding. Initially we tried to conserve the pregnancy but she continued on per vaginal bleeding. On the basis of maternal health and fetal prognosis, we decided to terminate the pregnancy with their consent. All the preoperative evaluations were done along with physician and anesthesiologist fitness and she had underwent operative procedure such as hysterotomy. Her post operative course in the hospital was uneventful.We had done post op abdomen with pelvis ultrasound sonography and chest X ray reported as normal. Later she was discharged with contraceptive and advised for monthly regular follow up with beta-human chorionic gonadotropin levels (b -hCG).

Keywords: b -hCG, Hysterotomy, Low lying placenta, Partial molar pregnancy, Sad fetus syndrome, Thyrotoxicosis.

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