Scar endometrioma in previous caesarean section: Two case reports with review of literature

Authors : Abhipsa Mishra, Vyshnavi Kasarla

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2021.029

Volume : 8

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 136-139

Scar endometriosis is one of the rare types among the extra pelvic endometriosis which is challenging to diagnose. Cystic or solid nodular mass caused by endometriosis are called as endometrioma. It commonly follows obstetrical and gynaecological procedures where there are endometrial manipulations.
The symptoms typically involve abdominal wall pain near scar site. Here we report two cases of scar endometrioma involving rectus sheath following caesarean section which are pathology confirmed with a classical clinical presentation and image findings on ultrasonography. By presenting these cases, we emphasize on evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of caesarean scar endometrioma and increase awareness on this entity.

Keywords: Endometrioma, Scar endometriosis, Scar endometrioma.

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