A comparative study between cuffed oropharyngeal airway and laryngeal mask airway in spontaneously breathing anaesthetized patients for short surgical procedures

Authors : Archana Gautam, Vishnu Madhusoodanan, Vithal K Dhulkhed

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijca.2021.021

Volume : 8

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 113-117

Background: The art of endotracheal intubation has a long-chequered history being accepted as the gold standard of the airway. This study was done to compare LMA and COPA in spontaneously breathing anaesthetized patients for short surgical elective procedures.
Objectives: To compare Cuffed Oropharyngeal Airway (COPA) with Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) in terms of Placement success rate, Requirement of airway interventions and Intraoperative and postoperative complications.
Materials and Methods: A prospective Randomized Controlled clinical study was conducted among 60 patients undergoing elective surgical procedure under Department of Anaesthesia in Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Karad. Randomization was done and patients were divided into two Groups- A and B. Chi-Square test was used for analysis.
Results: Male preponderance was seen in the study. Mean age in group A & B were 34.86 ±10.64 & 35.53 ±11.36 years respectively. First time successful insertion rate was higher in LMA group (93.33%) than COPA group (83.33%). No manoeuvres were required for clear, unobstructed airway in group A while in 40% of patients of COPA group required manoeuvres for clear, unobstructed airway. Coughing & gagging were observed in both the groups. But no intraoperative major complications are observed.
Conclusion: Considering technical aspects of airway management, LMA is better than COPA with respect to higher first-time success rate of LMA.

Keywords: Laryngeal Mask airway, Randomized controlled trial, Endotracheal intubation, Airway management, Sore throat.

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