Profile of ENT manifestations among COVID - 19 patients

Authors : Ali Shaik, M Ravi Kumar Raju, K.G.G.L Shiva Priya

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijoas.2021.001

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 1-5

Background: The general and common symptoms of covid 19 disease are fever, dyspnoea, cough, cold, headache, sorethroat, dysphagia, loss of smell and taste, Gastrointestinal manifestations. The symptoms may be exhibited alone or in combination. The prime objective of the study is to know the frequency of occurrence of symptoms for better control of the infection. The purpose of study is to detect prevalence of ENT manifestations (dyspnoea, cough, cold, headache, sorethroat, dysphagia, alterations in smell and taste sensation).
Materials and Methods: Single center, retrospective study covered 1070 inpatients for a period of 2 months duration ie; from August and September 2020 in teritiary health care centre.A questionnaire with various parameters like age, gender, smoking, alcohol, HTN, DM, fever, cough, Nasal obstruction, Anterior nasal discharge, posterior nasaldrip, headache, sorethroat, dysphagia, dyspnoea, anosmia, hyposmia, dysosmia, ageusia, hypogeusia, dysguesia history was taken and analysed.
Result: The analysedpatients sample size is1070. Among them901patients(84%), exhibited symptoms & 169 patients (16%) were asymptomatic. Most of the patients age group were between 50-59yrs (24.7%) and with a gender ratio of M:F=1.8:1. Dominant observation in males noticed is positive history of smoking and alcohol consumption. The prevalence of symptoms was found to be:cough (44%), fever (39.3%), dyspnoea (32.4%), Nasaldischarge (16.6%), sorethroat (9.2%), Headache (8.8%), dysphagia (8.2%), anosmia (7.3%), ageusia (6.8%), hypogeusia (6.3%), Hyposmia (3.2%). No patient presented with dysguesia and dysosmia. 150(14%) patients had only olfactory and gustatory loss.
Conclusion: Sudden olfactory or gustatory alterations need to be recognised as an important symptom in covid 19 patients for better prognosis and self isolation.

Keywords: Covid -19, ENT manifestations, Hyposmia.

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