Splinting - A bridging solution for periodontally endangered esthetics - A case report

Authors : Samiksha Sharma, Samiksha Sharma, Pallavi Sharma, Pallavi Sharma, Vikas Jindal, Vikas Jindal, Amit Goel, Amit Goel, Shiva Chauhan, Shiva Chauhan, Komal Fanda, Komal Fanda

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijohd.2021.015

Volume : 7

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 69-71

Splinting a novel and a cost effective method to stabilise periodontally compromised teeth. A variety of materials are available for splinting ranging from ligature wire to fiber reinforced composite. The first priority for a patient is replacement of the extracted tooth specially in the aesthetic areas which usually takes time. A 63 year old patient reported to the department of periodontology with periodontally compromised lower anterior teeth, the treatment plan was extraction of the mobile tooth followed by Splinting, with the help of fiber reinforced composite using the crown of the extracted tooth as pontic.

Keywords: Splinting, Periodontitis.

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