Management of OSSN by different modalities of treatment

Authors : Arif Khan, Arif Khan, Anju Kochar, Anju Kochar, Nabab Ali Khan, Nabab Ali Khan

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijooo.2021.009

Volume : 7

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 43-48

Objectives: To study the Ocular surface squamous (OSSN) neoplasm in terms of demographics, clinical presentation, histopathology and treatment.
Materials and Methods: This is a histopathological hospital based prospective comparative interventional case series carried out in the Department of Ophthalmology, S.P. Medical College and associated group of hospital in collaboration with Pathology Department.. The study was carried out from December, 2017 to December, 2019. The study included 22 consecutive cases of OSSN of either age and sex. In our study three groups were formed based on different modalities for treatment of OSSN-Surgery plus Mitomycin [MMC] (0.04%) 4 cycles, Surgery ,Only MMC (0.04%) 4 cycles.
Results: OSSN was found with greater frequency in male patients (male/female ratio: 2.7/1), residents of rural area (rural/urban ratio: 3.4/1), older age group (mean age SD: 54.1013.17) and those engaged in outdoor activity. On Histopathological examination 15 cases 68.18% were reported with squamous cell carcinoma, 5 cases (22.73%) with severe dysplasia and two cases (9.09) with carcinoma in-situ. Surgery plus MMC was the most effective mode of treatment in these neoplasia.
Conclusion: Surgery plus MMC was the most effective mode of treatment in OSSN. These types of tumours can be treated with only mitomycin-c in cases where surgery was challenging. Young patients presenting with OSSN must be screened for HIV.

Keywords: OSSN, Mitomycin-c, Ocular.

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