Correlation of ER & PR with proto-oncogene & with proliferative marker Ki-67

Authors : Pooja Agarwal, Pooja Agarwal, Dupinder Kaur, Dupinder Kaur

DOI : 10.18231/j.pjms.2021.013

Volume : 11

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 50-52

Background & Methods: This study was prospective and retrospective. Prospective cases were selected from the patients admitted for surgery of invasive ductal carcinoma breast in Medical College Hospital. As regards retrospective cases, they were obtained from the histopathological records obtained from Pathology department of SRMS-IMS, Bareilly.
Result: There was a significant relationship between the grades & Ki-67 status. As the grade increases the proliferative index increases. Here the value of (p<.0001) which is significant. In the study as observed, in maximum cases (69.64%) tumour size was 20-50mm followed by more than 50mm was in 13 cases (23.21%) and in only 4 cases (7.14%) size was less than 20mm.
Study Designed: Observational Study.
Conclusion: Out of 56 cases, 40 cases (71.42%) clinically presented with painless lump inbreast followed by painful lump in 9 cases (16.7%). 7 cases (12.50%) presented with axillary mass. Out of 40cases presented with lump, 48.21%were with lump localized on right side while 23.21% were on right side. Among 56 cases, in 39 cases (69.64%) tumor size varied between 20-50mm followed by 13 cases (23.21%) with size greater than 50mm and in only 4 cases (7.14%) size was less than 20mm. The proliferative index Ki-67 was highest in grade 3 and lowest in grade 1 tumours.

Keywords: ER & PR, ProtoOncogene, Ki67.

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