COVID-19 and ophthalmology- Challenges and mitigation of disease

Authors : Pravin M Bhat, Sunil S Kewat

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijceo.2021.058

Volume : 7

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 284-288

The SARS-CoV-2 infection has become a global health crisis with an uprising trend of infection and death in the world. Considering the contagious nature and the human to human transmission of the disease, it is utmost important to follow the infection control measures in the ophthalmic practice. The pink eye or conjunctivitis is the associated symptom reported along with the respiratory illness and fever in patients of COVID-19. So the triage policy, using noncontact procedures, understanding the risk factors of the disease, postponement of routine ophthalmic patient’s visit, following respiratory hygiene, hand hygiene, using personal protective equipment (PPE) are some of the measures to keep the infection in control are explained in this article. The surface disinfection, equipment disinfection are also important considering the environmental contamination nature of the disease. So in order to minimize the infection every ophthalmologist should work as per the guidelines and measures and work with the local designated infection control authorities.

Keywords: SARS- CoV-2, COVID- 19, Ophthalmologist, Respiratory hygiene.

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