The impact of covid-19 on ophthalmic practice in Bangladesh– A cross-sectional study

Authors : Syeed Mehbub Ul Kadir, Syeed Mehbub Ul Kadir, Muhammad Moniruzzaman, Muhammad Moniruzzaman, Siddiqur Rahman, Siddiqur Rahman, Khairun Nasa, Khairun Nasa, Tanvir Ahmed, Tanvir Ahmed, Rajendra Prakash Maurya, Rajendra Prakash Maurya

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijceo.2021.059

Volume : 7

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 289-292

Purpose: To assess the interference of patient care due to COVID 19 related restrictions and to formulate the future guidelines.
Methods: This cross-sectional online survey-based study was carried out among the ophthalmologist of Bangladesh in the early lock down period (01 April to 30 April) 2020.
Results: Total 93 ophthalmologists responded to the study. Most of the ophthalmologist were seeing the patients with red eye (40.9%), ocular trauma (40.9%), acute infections and inflammations (35.5%), and vision loss (31.2%). 80.6% responder informed that they wear Mask, gloves, and head cap during patient evaluation. 51.6% used Personal protection equipment. 55.9% used a breath shield with the slit lamp settings. 60.4% maintained hand wash, and disinfectant facilities for the patients. 85.7% ophthalmologist had ensured for wearing the mask to all patients before entering the examination and consultancy room. 86% ophthalmologist of our study had performed their surgeries for ophthalmic emergency.
Conclusions: Wearing mask is an important tool to prevent transmission of COVID-19 for both patients and ophthalmologists in working place. Maintaining normal ophthalmic practice and surgery are challenging during COVID-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Covid­ 19, Lockdown, Ophthalmic, Practice, Pattern.

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