Evaluation of knowledge, attitude and practice of guidelines towards the novel covid 19 among eye care professionals of a government medical college in north India

Authors : Aswathi Venugopal, Sunil Kumar, Sony Sinha

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijceo.2021.063

Volume : 7

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 314-320

Background: The novel COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS CoV- 2 virus, has led to widespread public health concerns across the globe. Ophthalmology professionals may be susceptible to infection due to close patient proximity during slit lamp examination and the potential contamination of instruments. The knowledge, attitude, practice (KAP)study can provide an insight of ECPs’(eye care practitioners) knowledge, methods of practice and attitude during this pandemic. This helps to reduce their risk, and that of their family, of contracting the virus, reduce morbidity and mortality associated with being infected.Data and results obtained from this study can also be used to make emergency policies and implement them to stop the spread and impact of a similar outbreak in future.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice of guidelines amongst the Eye care professionals towards the novel Covid-19. The demographic characteristics and infection rate of Covid-19 among the professionals during practice was also recorded and analyzed.
Results: In this hospital based cross-sectional study, total 67 eye care professionals including nurses, optometrist participated in the study with their due consent. Among total 67 participants, 60 (89.5%) were doctors, 4 (5.97%) were nurses and 3 (4.477) were optometrists All the participants including doctors, nurses and optometrists achieved a mean of 97.8% in the knowledge section of questionnaire.100% of the participants wear mask and maintain social distancing while all of them have received training regarding practice and management of patients during Covid19 and all the participants have a positive attitude towards the measure taken to combat Covid-19 pandemic.
Conclusion: The eye care professionals participated in this study shows a good knowledge, positive attitude and practice of guidelines by the government of India are followed for the pandemic of Covid-19.

Keywords : Attitude, Covid- 19, Eye care professionals, Knowledge, Practice.

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