To stop or to continue aspirin prior to manual small incision cataract surgery

Authors : Pooja H V , H T Venkate Gowda, Madhuri P

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijceo.2021.083

Volume : 7

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 419-421

Aims: To ascertain whether to stop or continue aspirin before cataract surgery.
Materials and Methods: Prospective observational study from July 2018 to June 2019. Information on pre-existing medical conditions like cardiac disease/stroke & use of Aspirin was obtained from patients posted for cataract surgery. Physical examination was done by physician & decided whether aspirin has to be stopped before surgery. Intra-operative and post-operative outcomes were recorded.
Statistical analysis used: SPSS 20.0 by using descriptive statistics i.e. only frequency and percentage.
Results: Out of 64 patients, 38 discontinued aspirin and 26 continued. In the group of patients who discontinued aspirin, 2 had bleeding complication in the form of bleeding from cut ends of conjunctiva. Where as in the group who continued aspirin 4 patients had bleeding complication. No thromboembolic events were recorded in both the groups.
Conclusions: The risk of medical & ophthalmic events surrounding cataract surgery were so low that absolute differences in risk associated with changes in Aspirin use were minimal.

Keywords : Aspirin, Cataract surgery, Haemorrhage, Thrombo-embolic events.

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