Changes in lipd profile and some biochemical parameters in perimenopausal women treated with turmeric

Authors : B.N. Ugorji, S.C. Meludu, I.S.I. Ogbu, D.O. Chikezie, N.S. Nduka

DOI : 10.18231/j.jpbs.2021.004

Volume : 9

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 24-28

Background: Turmeric is a perennial plant of ginger family serving as an effective nutritional supplement that has major benefits for the body and brain. The major benefits stretch from anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, anti-arthritic, anti-aging to improving brain functions as well as its possible property of lowering sugar, lipids and increasing calcium. Due to fluctuation in estrogen, perimenopausal women are at high risk of heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis.
Materials and Method: This study investigates the effect of turmeric on lipid profile and some biochemical parameters in perimenopausal women. Sixty apparently healthy women of perimenopausal age were selected and treated for three months with turmeric. Blood sample were collected at baseline, first, second and third month of treatments. Serum was evaluated for lipid profile, fasting blood sugar and calcium. Measurements of their anthropometric parameters were taken at every level.
Result: The mean anthropometric parameters showed that weight p=0.045, WC p=0.043 was significantly lower after three months of treatment while SBP p=0.000, DBP p=0.009 was significantly increased after three months of treatment. Calcium concentration increased though not significant but FBS significantly decreased to 4.83±0.41 (p=0.004) after three months of treatment. HDL increased significantly to 1.30 ± 0.11 (p=0.0001) after three months of treatment.
Conclusion: This study showed that turmeric increases calcium and HDL-c concentration, reduces weight, waist circumference, FBS, TC, TG, LDL, VLDL and moderates systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Thus, it serves as an alternative remedy in management of menopausal symptoms.

Keywords: Perimenopause, Turmeric, Lipid profile, Biochemical parameters

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