Variant of bohring-opitz syndrome: A rare case report

Authors : Ramesh Choudhary, Romesh Gauttam, Vishnu Pansari, Anand Kumawat

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpns.2021.017

Volume : 4

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 84-86

Bohring–Opitz syndrome also known as Opitz C syndrome or Oberklaid–Danks syndrome is a rare syndrome. We are reporting a 2 months old male child with Bohring-Opitz like syndrome with all classical features and eventration of diaphragm   (left side) which has not  been reported yet with this syndrome.  To our knowledge, a total of 23 cases with this syndrome have been reported in the medical literature to date and this is probably the first case report from India. Although there is overlap, a clinical distinction from the Bohring-Opitz syndrome and other syndromes seems possible, and thus a specific causal entity may be postulated.

Keywords: Bohring-Opitz syndrome, Opitz C syndrome, Eventration of diaphragm, India

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