Silver diamine fluoride - Magic alternative in caries management: A review

Authors : Pallavi Anand, Pulkit Jhingan, Manvi Malik, Shivani Mathur, Vinod Sachdev

DOI : 10.18231/j.jds.2020.012

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 47-51

Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) is a clear and odorless liquid used for dentinal hypersensitivity and arresting caries unless there’s no pulpal involvement for all age groups across all countries. Discoveries let us change old paradigms with the new ones. SDF being cleared for commercial use now can help in achieving the all-time goal of caries prevention. Various studies have established that options like potassium iodide and different restorations can help mask the staining problem of SDF. This can restore form and function as well for the teeth. With the unimaginable COVID 19 situation, dentistry has realized the importance of minimally invasive interventions than ever before. SDF is a blessing in such challenging times and it may be the magical alternative to caries management in the future.

Keywords: SDF, Early childhood caries, Parental consent, Oral health, COVID 19

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