Photobiomodulation- Yes or No?. following laser gingival depigmentation: A case report

Authors : Tualzik Thangmawizuali, Rahul Chopra, Swyeta Jain Gupta, Nikhil Sharma, Lakita Gulati, Prerna Mohan, Eiti Agrawal

DOI : 10.18231/j.jds.2020.020

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 102-106

Gingival hyperpigmentation in many esthetic concern patient poses a psychological problem and embarrassment. Among the many procedures used for gingival depigmentation, diode laser is considered as one which is highly accepted by the patient due to the absence of bleeding during and after procedure and being a fast and effective method. Literature have also stated the beneficial effect of low dose laser therapy on wound healing due to its potential to increase mitochondrial function, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), RNA, and protein synthesis which may further increase the cellular metabolism resulting in enhancement in wound healing and acceleration of the inflammatory process. This case report presents the use of diode laser for gingival depigmentation followed by laser photobiomodulation in an attempt to fasten the healing.

Keywords: Depigmentation, Diode laser, Photobiomodulation, Wound healing

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