Study of anatomical variations of pterion in Karnataka population

Authors : Sucharitha A , Chairtha Rao, Ashwini N S , Rameeza Beez

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijashnb.2021.012

Volume : 7

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 54-58

The Pterion is a point of sutural confluence formed by frontal, parietal, temporal and sphenoid bones. Center of pterion is located 4cms above the midpoint of zygomatic arch and 3.5cms behind the fronto-zygomatic suture. Pterion is a reference landmark for many regions of the brain. Knowledge of various types of pterion is important in neurosurgeries as pterion keyhole approach has several advantages over traditional craniotomy; it has got radiological significance in interpretation of radiographs; in forensic medicine, it has been used for estimation of age and stature; and types of pterion has racial variations, hence it has got anthropological significance. Hence, the present study was taken to assess various types of pterion in South Indian adult human skulls.
Objectives: To classify the types of pterion based on Murphy’s classification and compare the right and left sides.
The study was conducted on 100 adult dry human skulls collected from Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences & Research center, Bangalore. The various types of pterion were noted. All the readings were tabulated and subjected to analysis.
Analysis: All measurements and frequencies of the data were tabulated. The mean, standard deviation for each of the measurements were assessed. Statistical software SPSS version 16 was used. Right and left side were compared using One-Way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance).
Results: Various types of pterion were observed. Spheno-parietal was the most predominant (78%) type, followed by epipteric (16%), stellate (4%) and fronto-temporal (2%).
Conclusion: The results of the present study can be utilized by neurosurgeons, radiologists, anthropologists and forensic experts. The findings can be used in future for comparing various types of pterion from a different population, race or species altogether.

Keywords: Pterion, Fronto-zygomatic suture, Zygomatic arch, Neurosurgeons, Spheno-parietal.

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