Devil’s trumpet poisoning: A case report

Authors : Yajnesh Kidiyoor, Shankar M Bakkannavar, Kavitha Saravu, Ranjit Immanuel James

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijfcm.2021.041

Volume : 8

Issue : 3

Year : 2021

Page No : 200-201

Datura is a common plant in India that grows abundantly in the wild across the country. The common names of datura plant are Jimson weed, Stinkweed, Devil’s trumpet, Mad apple and Thorn apple etc. It is considered as a deliriant poison. Very few cases of intentional poisoning with Datura are reported in the literature. But accidental poisonings are though rare but not uncommon.Hereby we present a case of 37 years old male, who got poisoned by datura accidentally, following which he developed giddiness and was brought to our hospital. The diagnosis and treatment of the datura poisoning will be discussed.

Keywords: Dhatura, Deliriant, Accidental poisoning.

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