Occurrence of Hepatitis E virus infection in patients screened for Hepatitis A virus

Authors : Jeshma Crasta Kannur, Anup Kumar Shetty

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijmr.2021.041

Volume : 8

Issue : 3

Year : 2021

Page No : 200-202

Background: Infectious hepatitis can be caused by Hepatitis A and Hepatitis E viruses. Hepatitis E infection is a water-borne disease transmitted by faeco-oral route. It is a cause of major health problems in developing countries. Outbreaks can happen due to improper hygiene and poor sanitation. Hepatitis E infection shows similar mode of transmission and clinical features of Hepatitis A infection.
Aim: This study was conducted to investigate the occurrence of Hepatitis E virus infection in patients screened for hepatitis A virus.
Materials and Methods: This prospective surveillance study was conducted between March 2020 to March 2021 on 57 serum samples which is came for the screening of anti-Hepatitis A virus IgM by enhanced Chemiluminescence method. These samples were collected and tested for anti- Hepatitis E virus IgM by Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay.
Results:  Among 57 samples, 11 samples (19.3%) were positive for Hepatitis A Virus IgM, 13 samples (22.8%) were positive for Hepatitis E virus IgM, and 7 samples (12.3%) were positive for both.
Conclusion: Hepatitis E virus infections were more than Hepatitis A virus. Hepatitis E and Hepatitis A virus co- infection was also observed. Screening of both viruses is suggested for infectious hepatitis.

Keywords: Hepatitis A virus, Hepatitis E virus, IgM antibody.

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