The comparison between the lower airway space, mandibular body, mandibular ramus, chin thickness and chin throat length in vertical and horizontal growers among skeletal class I and skeletal class II patterns – Retrospective cephalometric study

Authors : Vighanesh Kadam, Hrushikesh Aphale, Sunil Kumar Nagmode, Vasant Pawar, Kunal Patil, Deepak Sahane, Vivek Shinde

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijodr.2021.037

Volume : 7

Issue : 3

Year : 2021

Page No : 229-236

Introduction: The vertical and horizontal growth influences the height of mandibular ramus and length of the mandibular body. The soft tissue chin thickness, the lower airway space and the chin throat length can vary in different growth patterns and different skeletal patterns.
Materials and Methods: Lateral cephalograms of non-growing patients seeking orthodontic treatment (n=120) were included in the study. The samples were divided into two subgroups based on skeletal pattern (Cl I & Cl II) according to ANB angle and Wit’s appraisal. Further sub divided into four groups based on cephalometric mandibular plane inclination to anterior cranial base (SN-GoGn) and Frankfort’s mandibular plane (FMA) angle in hypodivergent and hyperdivergent patterns. The parameters lower airway space, mandibular body, mandibular ramus, chin thickness and chin throat length were measured.
Result: Results showed maximum lower airway space, mandibular body, mandibular ramus, chin thickness, and chin throat length in the hypodivergent skeletal Class I group. The minimum lower airway space, mandibular body, mandibular ramus, chin thickness, and chin throat length observed in the hyperdivergent skeletal Class II group. The inter-group comparison of all samples indicates that there was a statistically significant difference between various groups and the measures of the hypodivergent samples are more than the hyperdivergent samples irrespective of the skeletal pattern.
Conclusion: The study concludes that the lower airway, mandibular ramus, mandibular body, soft tissue chin thickness, chin throat length was less in hyperdivergent skeletal Class I and skeletal Class II samples than the skeletal Class I and skeletal Class II hypodivergent.

Keywords: Mandibular growth, Hypodivergent growth, Hyperdivergent growth, Lower airway, Chin throat length.

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