Sphenochoanal polyp

Authors : Ankita Yadav, Ginni Datta, Amarjeet

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijoas.2021.025

Volume : 4

Issue : 3

Year : 2021

Page No : 127-129

Introduction: Sphenochoanal polyp are rare tumours arising from sphenoid sinus. The main presenting complain is gradually progressing nasal obstruction. Sphenochoanal polyp mimics antrochoanal polyp clinically. To differentiate it from antrochoanal polyp, diagnostic nasal endoscopy, computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the paranasal sinuses are the investigation of choice. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery is the line of treatment.
Case Report : A 33years old female presented with right nasal obstruction since 2 years. On Diagnostic nasal endoscopy polypoidal mass was seen partially obliterating the right nasal cavity not arising from middle meatus. CT scan showed polypoidal mass obliterating the nasal cavity, choana and Sphenoid sinus. It was completely excised by functional endoscopic surgery.
Conclusion: We present this rare case to highlight the use of diagnostic nasal endoscopy and Computed Tomography in the diagnosis and treatment of Sphenochoanal polyps

Keywords: Sphenochoanal Polyp, Endoscopic Surgery

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