Anaesthesia management of a case of huge neck mass due to cervical spine chondrosarcoma with distorted anatomy

Authors : Jyoti P Deshpande, Jyoti P Deshpande, Akshay M Salunke, Akshay M Salunke, Noopur D Singh, Noopur D Singh, Utkarsha P Bhojane, Utkarsha P Bhojane

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijca.2021.127

Volume : 8

Issue : 4

Year : 2021

Page No : 600-603

Chondrosarcoma is the tumor which affects bone and soft tissue with only 2% spinal involvement. Anesthetic management becomes challenging in patients with cervical chondrosarcoma. Here, we are presenting a case of huge neck mass due to cervical spine chondrosarcoma in 70 year old male hypertensive patient. The patient has distorted anatomy with mucosal edema with left tracheal deviation and compression from right side. Awake Nasal Fiberoptic intubation was done with cuffed ETT no 8. The neck mass was removed and Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) with bone grafting. The case was managed with adequate analgesia, replacement of fluids and Blood and Blood products. Considering complex cervical spine surgery and airway edema the patient was shifted to Surgical Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for elective ventilation and advanced monitoring. After serial ABG and proper weaning the patient was extubated next morning smoothly.
Key Message: Extensive preoperative evaluation, planning, clinical judgement and skilled experienced personale are essential for proper execution of difficult airway cases.

Keywords: Chondrosarcoma, Difficult intubation, Fiberoptic intubation, Huge neck mass.

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