Correlation of ER PR receptors with other prognostic parameters of breast carcinoma

Authors : Nekta Anand, Vishrabdha Rahul Pawar, Shahnaz Zaidi

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2021.091

Volume : 8

Issue : 4

Year : 2021

Page No : 437-442

Aim & Objectives: To study the MRM specimens for size, grade of the tumor, LVI and LN metastases and the ER/PR receptors of the tumor. To study the association of ER/PR status with the above mentioned prognostic parameters.
Materials and Methods: This three-year study includes 72 histopathologically confirmed cases of carcinoma breast. The tumor type, grade, LNM, LVE were reported on H & E. The ER-PR study was done of all 72 cases. The tumor size, grade, LNM, LVE were correlated with receptor status.
Observation: Out of 72 cases majority (53%) of cases were in 41-50 years of age group, and tumor size was between 2-4 cm in (54.16%) cases; majority were of grade II carcinoma (60%) of which 59% were ER-PR positive. Out of 46 cases with negative LNM and LVE, 30 cases (65%) were ER-PR positive.
Conclusion: In our observation there is no association between higher histological grade and ER-PR status. No obvious correlation with tumor size was noted. But increase in tumor size could also be a poor predictor of ER-PR status. LNM, LVE is poor predictor of ER-PR status.

Keywords: Breast carcinoma, Estrogen and progesterone receptor.

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