Correlation of laparoscopic finding with ultrasonography and hysterosalpingography findings in females with infertility

Authors : Garima Arora Bagga, Garima Arora Bagga, Ritesh Bodade, Ritesh Bodade, Asmita Dhurve, Asmita Dhurve, Lohit S Vaishnao, Lohit S Vaishnao, Gourav Bagga, Gourav Bagga

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2021.092

Volume : 8

Issue : 4

Year : 2021

Page No : 437-442

Introduction: Infertility is best defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected regular intercourse or many couples, infertility and its treatment cause a serious strain on their interpersonal relationship, and cause disturbed relationships with other people.
Diagnostic laparoscopy is generally not a part of initialinfertility evaluation, however, number of reports haveshown that it is effective procedure for evaluation of long- term infertility.
Materials and Methods: A total of 207 patients were studied from at GMCH, Gondia, Maharashtra. Total 207 patients had primary/secondary infertility and 5 patients had primary amenorrhea were selected for study. Uterus, ovaries, tubes and cul de sac were inspected and findings noted. Next chromopertubation test was done with 10-15 ml of 1% aqueous methylene blue via the leech-Wilkinson cannula was inserted and findings noted and statistical Analysis was done.
Results: India showed the mean age of infertility was 28.4years. 81.16% subjects had primary whereas 16.43% had secondary infertility.
In the present study maximum 165 (79.7%) had normal size uterus. Out of which 8 (3.86%) had bicornuate uterus.6.28% subjects had large size uterus. Out of which 5.80% had fibroid and 0.48% had adenomyosis.
Conclusion: Diagnostic Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy is a better modality for diagnosing uterine, tubal and ovarian causes of infertility compared to hysterosalpingography and ultrasonography. Most of the patients had normal ultrasonographic, hysterosalpingographic and laparoscopic findings. Out of the rest, Structural adhesions were the most common cause of infertility among women in reproductive group.

Keywords: HSG, Infertility, Laproscopy in infertility.

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