Study of bad obstetric history cases attending tertiary care centre, Tirupati

Authors : Gowthami B , Sowjanya Kumari J, Lakshmi Narayanamma V

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2021.110

Volume : 8

Issue : 4

Year : 2021

Page No : 535-540

Aim: To assess the obstetric and medical risk factors in patients with bad obstetric history (BOH) and outcome of pregnancy in case of BOH.
Materials and Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted in Government maternity hospital, Tirupati for a period of 1 year from December 2017 to November 2018. All pregnant women who were fulfilling inclusion criteria of BOH, as study group and all possible variable were compared with control group, who got selected randomly from the rest of deliveries. And analysed the results in terms of sociodemographic factors, risk factors, pregnancy complications, mode of delivery, maternal and foetal outcome.
Results: Of 102 pregnant women in BOH, 76.5% were in age group between 21-30yrs, and 14.7% in age group >30yrs. Primary Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) was 51% and that of secondary recurrent pregnancy loss was 49%.History of hypertensive disorders including preeclampsia, eclampsia and chronic hypertension, noted in 11.8% cases, which was higher than previous studies, indicating changing trends in incidence.In foetal complications IUGR (0% vs 9.8%, p=0.026) and IUFD (0% Vs 7.8%, p=0.05) were more in BOH group and statistically significant also. Even though the maternal complications were more in BOH group, there was no statistical significance (P=0.075).Among the various causes of RPL found in the present study, endocrine causes were seen in 12.7%, Anatomical causes were found in 11.8% and in about 63.7% cases no definite cause was found and aetiology was unexplained.
Conclusion: Present study, supporting the change in definition of recurrent pregnancy loss from 3 consecutive losses to 2. So early evaluation and with appropriate interventions in most of couples outcomes were fruitful.

Keywords : Bad obstetric history, Recurrent pregnancy loss.

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