An outbreak investigation of dengue in medical students and health care workers in a tertiary care hospital, Pune

Authors : Namrata D Mule, Namrata D Mule, Sangita C Shelke, Sangita C Shelke, Muralidhar P Tambe, Muralidhar P Tambe, Malangori A Parande, Malangori A Parande, Rupali N Baviskar, Rupali N Baviskar, Ganesh R Jagadale,, Ganesh R Jagadale,, Minal B Hatnapure, Minal B Hatnapure, Priyanka H Salunke, Priyanka H Salunke

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijfcm.2021.044

Volume : 8

Issue : 4

Year : 2021

Page No : 214-219

Background: Dengue is fast emerging mosquito borne viral disease. There was sudden outbreak of dengue cases among Medical students and Health Care Workers in tertiary care hospital from September to November 2019. Therefore, outbreak investigation carried out and corrective actions taken to halt the outbreak. Study Objectives are to investigate outbreak of dengue cases in medical students and Health Care Workers and to take corrective actions to halt the outbreak.
Material and Methods: The outbreak investigations of Dengue cases was done as 28 cases were admitted which includes medical students and Health Care Workers in tertiary care hospital from September to November 2019. A thorough search for breeding sites of Aedes mosquito was done in premises of hospital, college and residential area. 5 teams were made consisting of Sanitary Inspector, interns, resident doctors and lecturer. House to house surveys were done for container index in Resident quarters and employees quarters. Health education on prevention of dengue was given to Medical students and Health Care Workers including interns, resident doctors, undergraduate students. Antilarval measures like abating, fogging and spraying of oildone.
Results: The mean age was 27.2 years, ranged for 14-68 years. Males 15(53.5%) and Females 13(46.4%). Out of 28,12(42.8%) Undergraduate students, 9(32.1%) Resident doctors and 7(25%) employees. 22(78.5%) NS-1positivecases and 16(57.1%) IgM dengue positive cases. The most common symptom found in this was fever (100%). Thrombocytopenia was most common abnormal laboratory finding which was present in 22(79%) patients out of 28 patients. Out of 22 patients having thrombocytopenia, platelet transfusion was done to 4 patients. Mean duration of stay in the hospital was 4 days.
Conclusion: With the corrective measures taken, no new case of dengue was notified in November 2019 among Medical Students and Health Care Workers.

Keywords: Dengue, Outbreak, Medical Students, Health care workers.

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