Determination of antioxidant activity of beetroot lip balm by Fluorimetry and HPTLC methods

Authors : N Sunitha, N Sunitha, S Manohar Babu, S Manohar Babu, B Appa Rao, B Appa Rao

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcaap.2021.035

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2021

Page No : 197-200

Lip balm was prepared and its antioxidant activity was determined by PFRAP, CUPRAC, Flourimetry methods and results of emission spectra was examined and fournd to possess almost same concentration of 0.3 ug/ml. And the ascorbic acid was determined by HPTLC method and the Rvalue of the lip balm was found to be 0.98 and is near to the abscorbic acid sample. And hence proved that beetroot lip balm was found to possess antioxidant activityThe anti oxidant activity was determined and was found to be simple, novel and economical.

Keywords: Antioxidants; PFRAP, CUPRAC, Flourimetry and HPTLC

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