Clinical and radiological aspects of mandibular fractures: A review of 128 cases

Authors : Mouhammad Kane, Babacar Tamba, Catherine Bintou Gassama, Mamadou Diatta, Abdou Ba, Alpha Kounta, Abdel Majid Boucaid, Ndeye Fatou Kebe, Soukeye Dia Tine

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijohd.2021.055

Volume : 7

Issue : 4

Year : 2021

Page No : 282-286

Objectives: The objective was to study the epidemiological, clinical and radiological aspects of patients with mandibular fractures in the odontostomatology department at the General hospital Idrissa Pouye in Senegal.
Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study of the records of patients who came for a mandibular fracture during the period from February 2007 to June 2019 to the odontostomatology department of the General hospital Idrissa Pouye in Dakar. The inclusion criterion was any patient file containing complete information and presenting a mandibular fracture received in the odontostomatology department. We used sociodemographic, clinical and radiographic variables.
Results: Of 128 patients who came for consultation with a mandibular fracture, 115 were male and 13 were female. The age group most affected was between 21 and 30 years. Workers (25.2%), pupils and students (25.2%) were the most represented. The most frequent cause of mandibular fractures was road traffic accidents (36.71%). In 41% of the road accidents, Jakarta mopeds were involved. The diagnosis was confirmed by radiological examination, which consisted of an orthopantomogram in 83.5% of cases. The mandibular symphysis was the most frequent location with 40.3% of fracture sites. Total continuity of the lines was observed in 21.9% of cases.

Keywords: Mandibular fractures, Clinical aspects, Radiological aspects.

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