Teriparatide in fracture healing: Case series and review of literature

Authors : Amit B Jain, S S Jha, Nilanj Dave, Alok Chaturvedi, Sandesh Warudkar

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijor.2021.021

Volume : 7

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 93-100

Teriparatide (TPTD) (recombinant Parathyroid Hormone 1-34) is one of the pioneer osteo-anabolic agents approved for management of osteoporosis. Being an anabolic agent, it increases bone mineral density by inducing formation of new bone by the action on osteoblasts. As new bone formation is an important aspect of fracture healing as well, Teriparatide has long been a product of interest with respect to its effect on the process of fracture healing. Though fracture healing is not an approved indication for Teriparatide, there is quite a substantial amount of published data related to its effectiveness in fracture healing. With an intent to better understand the role of teriparatide in fracture, we share few case reports of successful fracture healing after giving Teriparatide and also review the published evidences of union taking place in difficult delayed union and non-union cases secondary to mechanical instability, inadequate fixation support or other reasons. This article thus, intended to summarize the accumulating preclinical and clinical evidence for role of TPTD in accelerating fracture healing in various conditions like conservative management of fractures, vertebral fractures, non-unions, delayed unions and atypical femoral fractures.

Keywords: Teriparatide, Fracture healing, rPTH, Nonunion, Delayed union

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